Design of the spatial distribution of the routes of the MIO system according to the quality of service perceived in the commune 18. degree work, degree thesis (english)
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David Alejandro Ramirez Cajigas
PhD MARIA FERNANDA GARCIA ALADIN Doctor in Materials Engineering Universidad Del Valle Cali Colombia
In order to propose an adjustment of the spatial distribution of the routes of the MIO system in commune 18 of Cali, to improve the perception of the service by users. The present degree work was carried out, which had as an analysis support the great mobility survey 2015, the basis of the study that allows issuing the report ¿Cali, how are we going?, in addition, a pilot test was applied, processed using the IBM SPSS Statistics 23 program. , which focused only on commune 18, in order to know in particular the perception of the MIO transport service in the sector. Which, together with a broad and deep information collection, based on primary information provided by MetroCali, as the managing entity of the MIO transport system, and the pertinent secondary information, allowed reaching the indicated objective, to which was added the technical evaluation with topological measures. of accessibility of the existing routes and the proposals. Based on this, it was concluded that the routes and bus stops should be organized within the commune 18 of Cali, taking care that users find a bus MIO bus stop within a maximum radius of 300 meters, and that between bus stops the distance allows the bus driver achieve a greater speed in their movements, which altogether allows the user to reduce the travel time, leading to a better perception of the service provided by the transport system. In this work, route travel times are improved without altering waiting times at bus stops and guaranteeing good accessibility.
The purposes of the work are these:
1.2.1 General objective
Adjust the spatial distribution of the routes of the MIO system in commune 18 of Cali, to improve the perception of the service by users
1.2.2 Specific objectives
• Identify the level of satisfaction of the inhabitants of commune 18 of Cali with the transport service provided by the MIO.
• Identify what are the characteristics of the location of the routes and bus stops of the MIO, of commune 18 of Cali, that affect travel time and the degree of accessibility.
• Calculate the topological indicators of accessibility of the bus stops of the current MIO routes in commune 18 and of the new proposed routes and bus stops.
Based on the results obtained, the conclusions show the fulfillment of the general objective, verifying the achievement of the specific objectives.
• In general, all the activities of the users of the MIO transportation system are affected by the cost and efficiency of the system, with the time category being the one that generates the greatest impact, although the cost as a value to pay for transportation is high compared to the average income of the population.
• The current route system is highly accessible because the values found in the study demonstrate this, but contradictorily, users are dissatisfied, a negative perception of the MIO transport system caused by the slowness in covering the route by buses. , but it is clear that the study also shows that this perception has been changing over time.
• Travel time on routes can be reduced by eliminating the need for the feeder to leave people at the main station, that is, they can leave people near the station but not at it, thus avoiding additional travel, such as that currently generated on Calle 5, however, the risk for the citizen must be reduced by building bus stops with adequate bays.
• The linear routes are more efficient in time than the circular ones, but they eliminate the possibility of traveling between different areas within the commune 18.
• It is advisable to organize the number of stops, considering the distance of a radius of 300 meters (equivalent to a 5-minute walk) between the location (origin) of the user to the bus stop, and from the destination bus stop to the place where the user goes, complementing this with a distance between stops that allows recognizing in the MIO transport system a collective system and not an individual one. In this way, the location of the bus stops will be improved and with this the perception of the service that reaches users due to delays in travel time will be improved.
• Although this research did not deal with the issue of frequency of buses at bus stops, it can be seen that it is possible that the solution at the time of
Waiting at stations is none other than tracing routes in a straight line, which allows for shorter total travel times.
• The proposal to redesign the spatial distribution of stops and modification of routes, based on topological indicators of accessibility, can improve the quality of service, to give the MIO transportation system a perceptible profile as equitable and functional.
• Travel times for the user were considerably reduced with the new route proposals, thus, the old routes have the following travel times: A12C with 9.86 minutes, A12A with 28.31 minutes, A12B with 20.52 minutes, A12D with 21.8 and A78A with 20.69 minutes, while in the new two proposals old times are presented that oscillate between 8 and 16 minutes.
• There will always be a disadvantage for poor people, but the transport system can help to reduce this disadvantage, if it is possible to provide the community with a more efficient collective transport system that reduces the total cost of the trip and the time invested in it. , which will result in greater well-being for MIO users and in the end will bring greater prosperity for families and thus for the city.
DESIGN OF THE SPATIAL DISTRIBUTION OF THE ROUTES OF THE MIO SYSTEM ACCORDING TO THE QUALITY OF SERVICE PERCEIVED IN COMMUNE 18. (79 descargas )Original document, in the original language, it is recommended to see the mathematical formulas